Goal: Clean the city's water line.
City planning, especially in the home building industry is constantly evolving. Within the last several years the water lines have been moved from ground to service water lines. The team had to remove decades of buildup due to iron and magnesium and other substances in the lines.
The first step in the pigging process was to verify the key fire-hydrants to use for launching and receiving of the pig. Once this key step was accomplished, the team was ready to tackle the dirty work.
The team removed the cap of the fire hydrant and inserted the pig by hand. A light density bare foam swab was used since it can reduce to up to 50% and the poly coating on the back helped to push it through the line.
Once the pig was inserted, the cap was then reapplied on the fire hydrant and the team hooked up a hose to a water truck and a pressure gauge. Pressure was then created behind the pig and the water moved the pig through the line.
Multiple swab pigs were ran (no stuck pigs!) until the line was successfully cleared of excess debris. You can see a video on our facebook page!
Have a success story and/or one that others can learn from? Share it with us, so you can be featured.
Call or email our sales team if you want to get in touch with the team featured in the article and we will gladly share the details with you.
Aug 16, 2018